


int active_hand



void add_g_timer_event(int time, int fixedParam)

Adds a timer event that calls the timed_event_p_proc procedure in the current global script time: the number of ticks after which the event timer is triggered fixedParam: the value that is passed to the timed_event_p_proc procedure for the fixed_param function


void create_message_window(string message)


ObjectPtr create_spatial(int scriptID, int tile, int elevation, int radius)

Creates new spatial script with given SID, at given tile, and radius.


int game_loaded()

Returns 1 the first time it is called after a new game or game load, and 0 any time after. It works on an individual basis for each script, so one script wont interfere with others. Its primary use is for global scripts, so that they know when to call set_global_script_repeat, but it can be called from normal scripts too.


int gdialog_get_barter_mod


int get_game_mode()

A more flexible version of in_world_map. It will return a set of flags indicating which mode the game is currently in. These flags are the same as those used in the set_shader_mode function.


int get_inven_ap_cost

Returns the current AP cost to access the inventory in combat


int get_kill_counter(int critterType)


int get_light_level()

Returns ambient light level in range 0..65536. The value returned by get_light_level may not exactly match that set by set_light_level, as set_light_level applies modifiers from the Night Vision perk.


int get_npc_level(string npc)


int get_proto_data(int pid, int offset)

Used to read the in-memory copies of the .pro files Fallout makes when they are loaded. The offset refers to the offset in memory from the start of the proto to the element you are reading.


int get_unspent_ap_bonus()

Gets the AC bonus you receive per unused action point at the end of your turn in combat. To allow for fractional values, the value given if divided by 4. (Hence the default value is 4 and not 1.)


int get_unspent_ap_perk_bonus()

Similar to get_unspent_ap_bonus, but accounts for the extra AC granted by the H2H Evade perk. (The default value of this is also 4, equivalent to doubling the original bonus.


int get_uptime()

Just a wrapper around the windows GetTickCount() function. It’s useful for making time fade effects in shaders, since they already have access to the current tick count.


int get_viewport_x()


int get_viewport_y()


int get_year


void hero_select_win(int)


void inc_npc_level(int party_member_pid)

Takes a party member PID or an NPC name (deprecated, for compatibility with sfall 4.1.5/3.8.15 or earlier) as an argument. The NPC must be in your party. This function ignores player level requirements and the minimum 3 player level delay between NPC level gains. It also ignores the random element, regardless of sfall’s NPCAutoLevel or PartyMemberNonRandomLevelUp setting.


int input_funcs_available()

The input functions are only available if the user has the input hook turned on in ddraw.ini. Use input_funcs_available to check.


void mark_movie_played(int id)


string message_str_game(int fileId, int messageId)

Works exactly the same as message_str, except you get messages from files in text/english/game folder. Use GAME_MSG_* defines or mstr_* macros from sfall.h to use specific msg file

  • Additional game msg files added by ExtraGameMsgFileList setting will have consecutive fileIds assigned beginning from 0x2000 to 0x2FFF. (e.g. if you set ExtraGameMsgFileList=foo,bar in ddraw.ini, foo.msg will be associated with 0x2000 and bar.msg with 0x2001.).
  • If a file has a specific number assigned in ExtraGameMsgFileList, its fileId will be (0x2000 + assigned number). (e.g. with ExtraGameMsgFileList=foo,bar:2,foobar in ddraw.ini, bar.msg will be associated with 0x2002 and foobar.msg with 0x2003.)


void mod_kill_counter(int critterType, int amount)


int nb_create_char()

nb_* functions are reserved for the brotherhood tactical training mod, and should be avoided. Not implemented, always returns 0.


void resume_game()


void set_base_hit_chance_mod(int max, int mod)


void set_base_pickpocket_mod(int max, int mod)

Changes maximum chance of success and chance mod for each steal attempt. max will replace 95% success chance cap (so you can set 100% maximum chance, for instance). mod will add this much percent to each success chance. for example if your chance is 50% and mod is 20, you will get 70% actual success rate


void set_critter_hit_chance_mod(CritterPtr, int max, int mod)


void set_critter_pickpocket_mod(CritterPtr, int max, int mod)

The same as set_base_pickpocket, but applies only to specific critter.


void set_df_model(string name)


void set_dm_model(string name)


void set_hit_chance_max(int percentage)

Effects all critters rather than just the player and can set the maximum in range from 0 to 999.


void set_hp_per_level_mod(int mod)


void set_inven_ap_cost(int cost)


void set_movie_path(string filename, int movieid)


void set_pickpocket_max(int percentage)

Effects all critters rather than just the player and can set the maximum in range from 0 to 999.


void set_pipboy_available(int available)

Sets the availability of the pipboy in the game. Use 0 to disable the pipboy, and 1 or 2 to enable it (value 2 does not mark the VSUIT_MOVIE movie as “played”).


void set_proto_data(int pid, int offset, int value)

Used to alter the in-memory copies of the .pro files Fallout makes when they are loaded. The offset refers to the offset in memory from the start of the proto to the element you are reading. Changes are not stored on disc, and are not permanent. If you modify the protos, and then Fallout subsequently reloads the file your changes will be lost.


void set_unspent_ap_bonus(int multiplier)

Alters the AC bonus you receive per unused action point at the end of your turn in combat. To allow for fractional values, the value given if divided by 4. (Hence the default value is 4 and not 1.)


void set_unspent_ap_perk_bonus(int multiplier)

Similar to set_unspent_ap_bonus, but effects the extra AC granted by the H2H Evade perk. (The default value of this is also 4, equivalent to doubling the original bonus.


void set_viewport_x(int view_x)


void set_viewport_y(int view_y)


void set_xp_mod(int percentage)



void signal_close_game

Works in a similar way to vanilla function: metarule(METARULE_SIGNAL_END_GAME, 0), but it will then close the game instead of only returning the player to the main menu


int sneak_success

Returns 1 if last sneak attempt (roll against skill) was successful, 0 otherwise. This calls an internal engine function which is used to determine the perception range of critters (which you can override using HOOK_WITHINPERCEPTION).


void stop_game()


void toggle_active_hand


void sfall_func2("unwield_slot", object critter, int slot)

unequips an item from the specified slot for a critter or the player can take off player’s equipped item when the inventory is opened, or the player is in the barter screen slot: 0 - armor slot, 1 - right slot, 2 - left slot (see INVEN_TYPE_* in define.h)